Friends are not FOOD

Friends  are not FOOD

sábado, 16 de junho de 2018

At River Seine Bridge, some time ago

I was looking forward to him on the River Seine Bridge. The drained orange sun was not able to warm me up.  I was straightening my disheveled hair and my faded gown.  I unwrinkled it with my hands and realized it was dirty.  Some parts were covered with mud in the bottom of the dress and a little above stained with plant spots. Ashamed I bit my lips. That was not exactly the way I wanted him to meet me.
 People passed me by. Some of them spoke with loud voices; others were lost in their silences.  I saw them; however all my thoughts were taken by him who would appear at any moment among them.
My heart pulsed in my throat.  Some striking blonde hair appeared, standing out among others.  His green eyes sparkled as single flares in the darkness.  He approached me and my heart speeded. Our eyes did not come apart.  He passed in front of me, our arms eager to touch, rubbed.  My love chased him. I was  quite close so I could feel his warmth.  His vast hair made clear waves, some of them faded by the sun. I felt like pulling out his strands  and kiss him soon, I wanted to kiss him there, among all those people, I did not care about anything else.
We continued walking for some more dark narrow streets.  Time had not come yet.  I could feel the smell coming from his needed body entering me at each step. Once in a while he looked back to make sure I was there, following, waiting, earning for him.
At right, on the first empty street, he turned over quickly and pull me by my dark long straight hair with one hand while, with the other one, he lifted up my skirts.
Then, all fear, all insecurity broke down.

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